Two Day Course Offerings


Course: Initial Fireground Decision-Making/The Sixth Minute:
Decisions that are made in the initial phases of an emergency will impact the overall operations and the eventual outcome.
Initial Fireground Decision-Making is a course that covers the concepts of: size up, command, control & communications and determining initial strategies and tactics. It also covers leadership and command presence. The course will also cover operational modes and engine and ladder company operations. This material is covered with the underlying theme of firefighter safety.
Instructor: Green Mountain Associates
Training Prerequisites: None.
Equipment: None                               


Course: Introduction to Pumps, Basic Pumps:                                                                                                                                                                                                    This course is an introduction to pumps and pump operations. Building on basic pump theory the course will introduce firefighters to basic pump operation and maintenance. Priming & drafting will be explored in depth using both classroom theory and practical application. Pump problem troubleshooting and preventive maintenance will be covered. Practical sessions will include work with both portable and main fire pumps.
Instructors: Green Mountain Associates
Equipment Required: PPE                     


Course: Rookie Course:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         An Introduction to the Fire Service. Welcome to the greatest fraternity on earth. Community service, selflessness & brotherhood are the hallmarks of firefighters. Firefighting has great rewards, but it is also hazardous. New firefighters must learn the basic skill of the job and how to do the job safely. This course will give new firefighters an introduction to these basic skills on how to do firefighting safely.
Topics to be covered:
Orientation to and History of the Fire Service, Fire Department Organization & Chain of Command, Jobs & Tasks of Firefighters, Safety & Protective Equipment, Fire Service Terminology, Chemistry of Fire & Fire Behavior, Classes of Fires & Fire Extinguishers, Fire Apparatus Overview and Orientation, Hose & Appliances Orientation, Ground Ladders, Hand Tool Identification & Orientation, Ropes & Knots.
This class should be the first step in a firefighter’s career and in a firefighter’s progression of training.
Students should bring their Firefighter’s protective clothing and be physically able to carry out the physical rigors of firefighting.
Instructors: Green Mountain Associates
Equipment Required: PPE                     

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